Pastor Lloyd I Brown accepted his calling to the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ at an early age but had the evidence of God’s divine calling at the age of 14. He accepted the Lord in his life and confessed Him as his Lord and Savior at the age of 15. That was where his journey began. He attended the Open Bible Church at 2 Ebanks Ave, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica where he was baptized.
Pastor Lloyd has also attended many churches where he has been active in several areas of ministry. He has been the lead singer in church choirs and preaches the word with much passion and conviction. His determination is to glorify God in every aspect of his life.
He currently serves as the Pastor of The Ecclesia In Christ Ministries. Pastor Lloyd’s mission is “That his life will be as an example as he lives and teaches the Word of God with such effectiveness, charity and Christlikeness until the image of Christ be formed in you”. His preaching and teaching is the Bible way. The way to truth and life.
Pastor Lloyd I. Brown is the husband of one wife, Carlene Brown and the father of their six adult children. He stands as both the physical and spiritual head of his family.
In October 2020 Pastor Lloyd was ordained as a full minister with all the invested power. His career as a truck driver for many years is slowly coming to an end as he is transitioning into a new career of being the fulltime shepherd of The Ecclesia In Christ Ministries.